Third Sector Support Wales is a network of support organisations for the whole of the voluntary sector in Wales. It consists of the 19 local and regional support bodies across Wales, the County Voluntary Councils (CVCs) and the national support body, Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA).

We work with citizens, volunteers and voluntary sector groups to identify and address what matters to them. Our core activities to strengthen the voluntary sector and volunteering focus on:
- Enabling and supporting
- Being a catalyst
- Engaging and influencing
“The third sector has always been at the heart of positive change and with our current challenging climate, the roles of our diverse organisations have become more important than ever. We must stand up for others and support one another to continue to achieve.”
@WCVACymru #gofod3
Jane Hutt, Deputy Minister and Chief Whip
To achieve our shared goal we collaborate with other key partners across the voluntary sector, the public sector, business, research and funders.
We have four pillars of activity that make up our universal offer, these are:
- Volunteering
- Good governance
- Sustainable funding
- Engagement and influencing
Our work is broadly focused on the common themes of:
- Information and advice
- Learning and development
- Networking and communication
- Shaping, influencing and building the social capital and resilience of the sector
- Raising the profile of the sector